Wheel of Time Acupuncture
by Dr. Armin Koch
The „Wheel of Time Acupuncture“ represents the timely optimized acupuncture methods according to Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa und Ling Gui Ba Fa in a new way. The correct settings with regards to your specific location as well as the correct setting for the local sundial time will reveal the current energetic constellation.
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The newly developed “Wheel of Time Acupuncture©” makes it possible to establish the sundial time for any time between 1910 and 2030 at any place on the earth. The “open” acupuncture points in accordance with “The Midnight-Noon Ebb-Flow Acupuncture Method – Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa” – and “The Eight Methods of the Magic Turtle – Ling Gui Ba Fa” – are visible at a glance.
Using the back side of the “Wheel of Time Acupuncture©” allows you to determine the energy constellation of time (“The Four Pillars of Destiny”) for any point in time between 1910 and 2030. Determining this energy constellation as it relates to time, for example, one’s date and time of birth makes available additional diagnostic as well as therapeutic possibilities.
With the “Wheel of Time Acupuncture©” you have a tool at hand that will enhance your effectiveness with acupuncture by incorporating the dimension of time into your practice. This will not only optimize your treatment, but also often leads to the use of less needles with astounding results. You will begin to treat your patients in the manner of the old “masters”.
This tool however is complex. Take the necessary time to carefully study the instruction manual to the “Wheel of Time Acupuncture©” in order to practice with it before using it on your patients.
Ideally you complete the 10-hour online course „Time Based Acupuncture – Harnessing the Power of the Universe“, that conveniently is approved as an upgrade training course (CEUs/PDAs: 10 (Approved: Standard Certificate, NCCAOM, Florida, ASA, SBO-TCM/OPS-MTC).
The complex calculation of the sundial time from the local clock time is necessary for all the applications of the time acupuncture. In the webinar the calculations are explained step by step and trained with the help of different places. This might be interesting. However, there are simpler possibilities as well.
Conversion from Local Clock Time to Sundial Time
- The Local to Solar Time Calculator accomplishes this conversion for you.
- The Time Acupuncture App automatically accomplishes the complex calculations.
- Combining the App and the Wheel in Practice makes sense.
You will find the instructions, calculations and tables that form the basis of the Wheel of Time Acupuncture as well as of the Time Acupuncture App in the script Time Based Acupuncture – Calculations and Tables. Therewith you can determine the open acupuncture points without any other additives. Although this might be amusing in the daily clinical routine it is little useful.
The Midnight-Noon Ebb-Flow Acupuncture Method – Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – 子午流注针法.
The Eight Methods of Magic Turtle – Ling Gui Ba Fa – 灵龟八法.
1st Wheel: Day Wheel: shows the date
2nd Wheel: Month Wheel: 1st of each month (pink for normal year, blue for leap year)
3rd Wheel: Year Wheel: shows Jan 1 of the years. This corresponds to the day number in the 4th wheel.
4th Wheel: Cycle of Sixty Wheel: shows the day numbers
5th Wheel: Clock Time Wheel: shows the time of a local clock
6th Wheel: Solar Time Wheel: shows the time divisions (Td) with the corresponding earthly branches (solar time)
7th Wheel: Wheel of Strategies: shows the open points, strategies, and palaces in the actual time division.
Contains (from the outer edge inward):
- Na Jia Fa Wheel: shows the points according to the “Zi Wu Liu Zhu – Na Jia Fa”
- Organ Clock Wheel: shows the circulation of the Qi in the channels through the 24 hours
- Na Zi Fa Wheel: shows acu-points and strategies of the open channel according to the “Zi Wu Liu Zhu – Na Zi Fa”
- Fei Teng Ba Fa Wheel: shows the open palace according to Fei Teng Ba Fa
- Ling Gui Ba Fa Wheel: shows the open palace according to Ling Gui Ba Fa
„The Four Pillars of Destiny“
1st Wheel: Year Wheel
2nd Wheel: Year Number Wheel: with animal of the year and number of “Cycle of Sixty” with stem-branch constellation
3rd Wheel: Month Wheel
4th Wheel: Month Number Wheel: number of “Cycle of Sixty” with stem-branch constellation
5th Wheel: Day Number Wheel: number of “Cycle of Sixty” with stem-branch constellation
6th Wheel: Time division (Td) Wheel: shows the time divisions
7th Wheel: Time division (Td) Number Wheel: number of “Cycle of Sixty” with stem-branch constellation