Time Acupuncture
Application of the Time Acupuncture App. Time acupuncture theory. How to make a TCM diagnosis in general, and specifically, in regards to the time acupuncture protocol.
Application of the Time Acupuncture App. Time acupuncture theory. How to make a TCM diagnosis in general, and specifically, in regards to the time acupuncture protocol.
Application of the Wheel of Time Acupuncture. The classical time-based acupuncture methods Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa and Ling Gui Ba Fa. Calculation of “open” acupuncture points for any geographical location at any time. Many exercises.
A 10 hour online course by Armin Koch. In this course the classical time-based acupuncture methods Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa and Ling Gui Ba Fa, and their historical background will be presented. The calculation of “open” acupuncture points for any geographical location at any time will be explained. Read. YouTube Video: 7 Minutes Preview YouTube Video: 41 Minutes Preview
The newly developed "Wheel of Time Acupuncture©" makes it possible to establish the sundial time for any time between 1910 and 2030 at any place on the earth. The "open" acupuncture points in accordance with "The Midnight-Noon Ebb-Flow Acupuncture Method - Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa" - and "The Eight Methods of the Magic Turtle - Ling Gui Ba Fa" - are visible at a glance. (1/10)
"Wheel of Time Acupuncture" Back Side - Using the back side allows you to determine the energetic constellation of time ("The Four Pillars of Destiny") for any time between 1910 and 2030. (2/10)
Zurich (8.6°E), March 27, 1956: Sundial time = Clock Time minus 31 min. In Zurich on March 27, 1956 the sun arrived at its zenith 31 minutes later than it did at the center of the respective zone of 15°E. (3/10)
Conversion from Clock Time to Sundial Time - Los Angeles (118.3°W), December 1, 2006: Sundial time = Clock Time plus 7 min. In Los Angeles on December 1, 2006 the sun arrived at its zenith 17 minutes earlier than it did at the center of the respective zone of 120°W. (4/10)
November 5, 2010; Day Number 56 (5/10)
Treatment of an illness during the time division of the channel corresponding to that illness. For example: illness of SP-channel, treatment at 9:00 - 11:00, B6 Td (sundial time). Strategy 1: Mother point of preceding channel (ST41). Strategy 2: Child point (SP5). Strategy 3: Horary-ben point (SP3). Strategy 4: Treatment of the transporting-shu point according to the five subdivisions of the time division. Strategy 5: Yuan-source point of the timely channel (SP3) + luo-connecting point of the interior-exterior related channel (ST40). Strategy 6: Shu-stream point (SP3) + back-shu point (BL20). Strategy 7: Mu-front point (LV13) + back-shu point (BL20). (6/10)