The determination of the energetics at the time of birth will be explained in detail. The open extraordinary channel at that time can make for the understanding of development disorders, and it can offer an appropriate treatment.
A Quote from the Doctor’s Letter of Referral
„Michael* was born on August 03, 2015 during the 26th week of gestation. He was a premature infant and suffered from a cerebral haemorrhage. The family asks for acupuncture to treat and prevent relevant development disorders. Could you check the toddler and determine the open extraordinary channel at the time of birth. Please give me a clue how to treat the toddler.”
*Name and patient data are changed.
Michael appears in my clinic together with his mother on March 15, 2017.
Age at the time of the consultation:
- Approx. 19 months referred to his birth on August 03, 2015 (week of gestation: 26 3/7)
- Approx. 16 months referred to age adjustment according to the calculated date of Nov 7, 2015.
Diverse reports of paediatric development examinations are on hand. They assert a muscular hypotonia of the trunc and the extremities.
The functioning of the left extremities develop with a delay of about 2 months compared to the right side. Subsequently, however, strength and functioning are symmetrical normal.
Temperature: rather cool, rather cool sweats.
Nutrition well-balanced.
Stools and micturation inconspicuous.
Sleep: Problems with falling asleep. Sleeps little, about 9 hours in 24 hours.
- Weight: 8.6kg ≈ below 3rd percentile referred to the time of birth as well as referred to age adjustment.
- Length: 70cm ≈ below 3rd percentile referred to the time of birth as well as referred to age adjustment.
- Head girth: 47cm ≈ between 3rd and 10th percentile referred to the time of birth as well as referred to age adjustment.
Michael crawls about with symmetrical movements. He grasps objects symmetrically, sits, and stands up if he can hold someone/something.
Location and Time of Birth
Born on August 03, 2015 at 20:16 local clock time in Barcelona (2° 9‘ or 2.15° E).
Time zone: Central European Daylight Time (CEDT = UTC + 2:00)),
Solar time at birth: 18:18 (= clock time – 1h 58min)
Energetics at the Time of Birth
The energetics at the time of birth can be calculated. You will find the relevant manuscript Time-Based-Acupuncture-Calculations-and-Tables via the public domain of Armin’s website. The calculations, however, are complex and time consuming.
The Time Acupuncture App can take the whole job for you. The setting of any place on the globe at any time is possible.
The setting of Michael’s location and time of birth is depicted in detail with the help of screenshots from the app.
Step 1: Start of the App – Normal Setting
The current location and time is used automatically in the normal setting of the app. This will be the most commonly used option for an acupuncturist. The timely energetics are adjusted to the current acupuncture session.
In addition, the app allows the manual setting of any location on the globe at any time. This we will need for the determination of the energetic constellation at birth.
The screenshot depicts the normal setting of the app „Here and Now“ on 10.2.2018 at 15:21.
We now click „Settings“ in the above screenshot.
Step 2: Determine Settings
In the top line of the screenshot we still see the data of the normal setting referred to the location and time of the shot of this picture.
In order to determine the energetic constellation at birth we now have to choose the relevant time zone, location, date, and the local clock time.
Click „Choices“ at the level „Set Time Zone“.
Step 2a: Set Time Zone
You will find the relevant time zone by scrolling the drop-down menu. Click „+2:00 Central European Daylight Time (CEDT)“. Be aware that the time zones in the daylight saving time mode are depicted in a lightened color.
You can check the change from CET (UTC+1) to UTC+02:00 which defines the Central European Daylight Time (CEDT).
As soon as the time zone is defined you go back to “Settings” by clicking (<).
Step 2b: Set Location
Click „Choices“at the level „Set Location“ on the page „Settings“ (screenshot 2). The following page is revealed.
You have the choice between the manual input of the longitude of Barcelona (2° 9‘), or the search of Barcelona. In the search-function you will find different locations. Choose Barcelona in Spain (ES, Barcelona 2° 9‘E).
As soon as the location is defined you go back to “Settings” by clicking (<).
Step 2c: Set Date & Time
Click „Choices“ at the level „Set Date & Time“ on the page „Settings“ (screenshot 2). The following page is revealed.
You now set the wanted date Aug 3, 2015 and the local clock time at birth (20:16).
As soon as the date and time is defined you go back to “Settings” by clicking (<).
Step 3: Check Your Settings
You can check your settings one more time.
As soon as your settings are correct you go back to “Treatment” by clicking (<).
Step 4a: Treatment according to Zi Wu Liu Zhu – Na Zi Fa
The extraordinary channel according to Ling Gui Ba Fa is of primary importance with reference to the energetic constellation at birth.
The application of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Zi Fa as depicted right on top of the page „Treatment“ is of minor concern in our example. Nevertheless it is depicted, and at the time it would even fit well.
The line „Location“, „Date“ and „Time“ corresponds now to your settings. Below the local time as well as the solar time are depicted parallel connected. The red marker points to 20:16 clock time corresponding to 18:18 solar time. The kidney-channel is open in the solar time division 17:00 bis 19:00 as is generally known.
Open channel according to Na Zi Fa: KI-channel,
open point at 18:18 (solar time): KI7 (extension of the red marker clock/solar time!)
Scroll down in order to reveal more treatment strategies.
Step 4b: Treatment according to Zi Wu Liu Zhu – Na Jia Fa; Ling Gui Ba Fa
The application of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Jia Fa is of minor concern in our example as well.
Ling Gui Ba Fa is the method of choice for the integration of the energetic constellation at birth into the treatment concept.
Na Jia Fa: open point HT4
Open extraordinary channel according to Ling Gui Ba Fa (Original Style): Yin Qiao Mai
The energetic constellation at the time of birth can be determined by the open extraordinary channel at that time. This is the Yin Qiao Mai in the present case of Michael. Generally, however, the Yin Qiao Mai as well as its partner – Yang Qiao Mai – have to be taken into consideration for the assessment of any of the Qiao Mai
Concerning the functions of the Qiao Mai I refer to the relevant literature. German speaking people will find detailed information on the pages 11 to 13 of my script Nebenmeridiane.
It is obvious how the development retardation with the partial muscular hypotonia, the hyperextension of the extremities, as well as the sleeping problems can be explained by an imbalance of the Qiao Mai. This imbalance consists mainly of a weakness of the Yin Qiao Mai leading to an excess of the Yang Qiao Mai.
At the time of the consultation in my clinic the development retardation was widely adjusted. Certainly Michael is too small and underweight in comparison to the head girth.
Treatment Recommendation
I refer to the pages 14 to 16 of the above mentioned script Nebenmeridiane.
The tonification of the Yin Qiao Mai could be performed by treating from bottom to top, be it with Tuina or any kind of massage, or be it with Laser. Inversely the Yang Qiao Mai could be sedated by treating from top to bottom with similar techniques. With the help of the Laser shower the whole area could be covered. Specific acupuncture points on the particular extraordinary channel, however, can be stimulated with precision using the corresponding frequency of the channel. Concerning the possible acupuncture points I refer to the table on page 16 of the script Nebenmeridiane. Besides the master and coupled points the xi-cleft points are of major importance. Possible therapy strategies are explained from page 14 of the above mentioned script.
The influence of the open extraordinary channel at the time of birth can be depicted exemplary on the basis of the case study of Michael. The appropriate treatment is certainly indicated and helpful, also in terms of a prophylaxis for a further correct development.
Possible problems in the course of Michael’s life can always be assessed from the perspective of the constitutional energetic of the Qiao Mai additionally and be treated accordingly. In addition, a daoistic extended perception can be helpful. In this spirit I would like to refer to the following publications (available in German only):
- Die Systeme der Nebenmeridiane
- Ererbte, konstitutionelle Leiden. Zugang über die acht Extrameridiane und die Methode der achtfach wirkkräftigen Schildkröte
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