“Wheel of Time Acupuncture” Front Side

The newly developed "Wheel of Time Acupuncture©" makes it possible to establish the sundial time for any time between 1910 and 2030 at any place on the earth. The "open" acupuncture points in accordance with "The Midnight-Noon Ebb-Flow Acupuncture Method - Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa" - and "The Eight Methods of the Magic Turtle - Ling Gui Ba Fa" - are visible at a glance. (1/10)

“Wheel of Time Acupuncture” Front Side2017-07-24T23:18:51+02:00

Strategies of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Zi Fa

Treatment of an illness during the time division of the channel corresponding to that illness. For example: illness of SP-channel, treatment at 9:00 - 11:00, B6 Td (sundial time). Strategy 1: Mother point of preceding channel (ST41). Strategy 2: Child point (SP5). Strategy 3: Horary-ben point (SP3). Strategy 4: Treatment of the transporting-shu point according to the five subdivisions of the time division. Strategy 5: Yuan-source point of the timely channel (SP3) + luo-connecting point of the interior-exterior related channel (ST40). Strategy 6: Shu-stream point (SP3) + back-shu point (BL20). Strategy 7: Mu-front point (LV13) + back-shu point (BL20). (6/10)

Strategies of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Zi Fa2017-07-24T23:24:02+02:00

Strategies of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Zi Fa

Treatment according to the noon midnight law. For example: a pathology of liver excess, treatment at 13:00 - 15:00, B8 Td (sundial time). Strategy 1: Point for tonification or sedation. Tonification of SI-channel sedates LV-channel - HT9 (mother point of the preceding channel!). Strategy 2: Tonification or sedation of the horary-ben point. Tonification of SI5. Strategy 3: Luo-connecting point of the SI-channel: SI7 (not in the SI-Channel window!). (7/10)

Strategies of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Zi Fa2017-07-24T23:25:38+02:00

Strategies of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Zi Fa

Treatment of the timely channel regardless of the illness. For example: a treatment at 17:00 - 19:00, B10 Td (sundial time). Strategy 1: Yuan-source point KI3 or horary-ben point KI10. Strategy 2: Treatment of the element point that is related to the disease. In our example KI7 (metal point). Strategy 3: Treatment according to the mother child laws: BL67 for tonification; KI1 for sedation. Strategy 4: Treatment of the transporting-shu point according to the five subdivisions of the time division. (8/10)

Strategies of Zi Wu Liu Zhu Zhen Fa – Na Zi Fa2017-07-24T23:27:20+02:00

Ling Gui Ba Fa

September 16, 2012; 01:00 - 03:00 (sundial time), B2 Td. Fei Teng Ba Fa: Number 1: Open gua is 2. Number 2: Gua 2 corresponds to Yin Qiao Mai. Ling Gui Ba Fa: Number 3: Day number is 17. Number 4: Ring of day numbers 11 - 20 (group of ten). Number 5: Open gua is 6. Number 6: Gua 6 corresponds to Chong Mai. (10/10)

Ling Gui Ba Fa2017-07-24T23:29:14+02:00
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