The following exercises are not recommended in the case of red and swollen eyes in the context of a common cold!

All the exercises are performed with closed eyes!

  1. Press with both thumbs below the inner ende of the eyebrows (between the acupuncture points BL1 and BL2). Massage this place with rotatory motions 64 times (8 units at 8 circles each).
  2. Press  with thumb and index finger on point BL1 (inner corner of the eye). Massage this place up and down 64 times (8 units at 8 up and down movements each).
  3. Press on the acupuncture point ST3. The index fingers are at the right place if the middle fingers abut on the ala of the nose. Massage this place with rotatory motions 64 times (8 units at 8 circles each).
  4. Press with the thumb on the acupuncture point “Taiyang”, which lies in a cavity laterally outside of the eyehole. You now massage with the index finger from inside outwards along the upper and lower edge of the eyehole. Count 1 – 2 (upper edge) – 3 – 4 (lower edge), overall 64 times.